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 giving the gift of photographic memories

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Friends of Heartfelt

Please take the time to visit other organisations dedicated to helping families:
Stillbirth Foundation works to reduce the incidence of stillbirth in Australia. To achieve this goal, the Stillbirth Foundation operates with the aims to fund and encourage research into stillbirth and increase public awareness about stillbirth. If you are a parent, family member or friend, whose baby has died, we offer you our deepest sympathy at this very sad time. Whilst the Stillbirth Foundation does not offer direct bereavement support, we hope that the information you find in this website will provide you with some comfort that something is being done to address the terrible tragedy that is stillbirth.

Red Nose is dedicated to saving the lives of babies and children during pregnancy, birth infancy and childhood. We deliver on our vision through world class research; evidence based education and bereavement support and advocacy. Our bereavement support programs are available to anyone impacted by the death of a child and are free for as long as needed – individual counselling, group programs, children’s, father’s and grandparent programs, for example, together with our peer support program aims at supporting families and others as needed.

Losing Layla In 2001 the ABC aired Vanessa's intimate Video Diary documentary called Losing Layla about the death of her baby daughter and the journey that followed. This groundbreaking, award winning film caused a sensation when it aired for its raw and powerful look at the rollercoaster of grief. Vanessa has also written a book Layla's Story.

Seashore of Remembrance  gives families the opportunity to honour a loved who has passed away in a unique and meaningful way. Carly Marie inscribe names in the sand under sunsets and draw butterflies for babies, children and adults of any age or gestation that have passed away. Since August 2008 she have written over 8930 children's names in the sand.

Small Miracles is a landmark Australian self-help book offering practical counselling and inspiring stories for anyone coping with the loss of a baby through miscarriage, stillbirth or prematurity and related issues such as infertility. Based on the grief counselling and support services offered by the Bonnie Babes Foundation for over 15 years, Small Miracles contains the very moving stories of Australians, who have experienced the traumatic loss of a baby and how they coped with this very private tragedy.

SANDS Aust state organisations provide mutual volunteer support to parents who have experienced a death of a baby somewhere from conception to just after birth.

Angel Gowns Australia hope to touch the hearts of everyone who has suffered the tragic loss their baby. We lovingly handcraft Angel Gowns from wedding dresses that brides donate because they want to share the love from their wedding day, for our little angels who are born sleeping, who have not survived an illness, or are born premature and don't make it home from hospital. Our Angel Gowns are then gifted to hospitals and directly to families all around Australia. Giving a precious gift full of love, sharing a moment, lasting a lifetime.

Bears Of Hope offers support and guidance for parents who experience the loss of their baby during pregnancy, birth or infancy. Through the donation of a bear of hope, parents are provided with the comfort of knowing they are not alone from the very beginning, and offered significant ongoing support to heal their broken hearts.

Glow In The Woods for parents of lost babies and potential of all kinds. We want to be a glow through the trees.

Early Birds was created following the birth the owner's son who was 10 weeks premature, weighing 1.276 kgs. They experienced enormous difficulty finding clothes to fit him during his first few months. To alleviate this problem for other parents, they decided to develop a range of clothes specifically for premature and small babies.

CDH Australia is a national not for profit support group for families, friends and health care professionals affected by Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH). We have membership spread throughout Australia and are run solely by volunteers. Our organisation supports families expecting a baby diagnosed with CDH, families caring for a child with CDH, adults with CDH and grieving families who have lost a child to CDH.

The Compassionate Friends when a son or daughter, brother or sister dies, no matter their age or the cause of death, grief lasts for longer than society in general recognises. The death of your child is an unacceptable tragedy and it can take a long time before you regain any sense of normality in your life. At The Compassionate Friends you will find the special understanding of those who have "been there".There is no pressure to talk or not talk, cry or not cry, just a chance to be yourself, to have time-out.We offer a safe haven, a listening and understanding ear, a place where you can let down the mask, and if you wish, talk about your son or daughter, brother or sister who has died. We don’t promise a miracle cure, just comfort and the consolation and hope that broken threads can be picked up again.

Heartfelt : giving the gift of photographic memories  is endorsed as a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) from 01 Jul 2014. It is covered by Item 1 of the table in section 30-15 of the Income TaxAssessment Act 1997.

© Heartfelt : giving the gift of photographic memories 

Registered Address: 27 High Street, Glen Iris, Victoria, Australia

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